Monday, February 13, 2017

Day 3 Complete

So its been a few hours since my last post...I did end up having one of my snacks.  I was hungry, but it was more because I was under on my calories than for hunger.  I promised myself I wouldn't go under 1000 calories, with my goal being 1200. According to what I entered on the Myfitnesspal app, I was sitting somewhere in the 900s.  Didn't get all my water in today...I've been having trouble with that.  The more I'm out and about in the day, the less water I drink.  I don't often take a purse with me, and I hate carrying a water bottle...but I am clearly going to have to start doing one of those things if I'm going to bring up my water intake.  Its not like I can chug a bunch of water before I leave somewhere...since the need to pee might come at very inopportune moments if I do that lol.  Also can't really chug before bed since that means I'll likely be waking up in the night for the same reason.  It's early and I'm not terribly tired, but going to try to start the process of settling in to bed...fingers crossed for a better sleep tonight...I'm hoping that after pushing myself on that 11k today I'll be able to get to sleep a bit easier tonight.  
Signing off for tonight...On to Day 4

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