Friday, February 10, 2017

The night before it begins...

Well...I suppose the title says it all...but perhaps I'll add a bit of background. My name is Kaila. I'm a 32 year old least I'm trying to be. Here's the thing...I am overweight. You might say that being overweight shouldn't be a hinderance, but in most cases it is. I am not big enough (or funny enough) to be cast as the chubby comic relief...but I am by far not small enough to be cast in really any other role. In short, I am a really tough body type to cast. Now...obviously my chosen vocation is a big motivator in moving forward with this, but it is not the only one. I have struggled with my weight my entire life, only having a few years of being what one might consider 'normal' size...but even when I was considerably smaller, I didn't appreciate it and thought I was fat. I have gone though many years of weight ups and downs, made worse by bouts of depression and hard times in life. The fact is, I need to get healthy. I need to do this to prove to myself that I can. I need to feel good about my body. Not that a person should have to be slim to be happy, but I am very aware that I am unhealthy...and a change absolutely needs to be made. I've waited far too long to make this positive change in my life, and this time I want to make it for good.
 My mom, who also struggles with her weight, came up with this idea of us doing a 100 day challenge together after seeing a video on Facebook of a woman who had gone through one. I was reluctant, because lets be honest, obviously I am not great at sticking to weight loss plans. This is why I am creating this blog. I intend to post pictures and videos and the occasional diary like entry in order to keep myself accountable. So, tomorrow morning will be day one. I will weigh in for a start weight, and yes I will post that weight for accountability purposes. I am vowing to do some form of exercise every day. The plan is that more intense exercise will happen 5 days per week, and minor exercise, such as a short walk, will happen the other two days of the week. The intent being that I am up and being active on a daily basis, with the goal of making the more active lifestyle into habit. During this time, I will also be making every effort to keep my eating habits healthy. I have been a binge eater in the past, and I know this will be my biggest struggle. I also have a love hate relationship with unhealthy carbs...I love them too much and hate them because they do horrible things to my body. I will not cut carbs out completely, as I feel that will only fuel the cravings I have for them, but will reduce them the point where I will only have them on occasion, and in reasonable quantities. I will be outlining my struggles and triumphs on this page, and really hope that there will be more of the prior than the latter.
Day 1 February 11,2017     *halfway point April 2,2017
Day 100 May 22, 2017

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