Sunday, April 2, 2017

Day 50...oooohhhh we're halfway theeeere

Firstly...yes the title is meant to be sung (livin on a prayer).
So clearly I'm not very good at this blog thing since I've stopped posting regularly...but I realized earlier that today is the halfway point (or...given that it may be after midnight once this gets posted, yesterday was the halfway point)  so I figured that a progress update was a good idea. as of this past Wednesday, I weighed 214.2....which means that I've lost 10.2 pounds in 50 days.  It is not as good as I'd originally hoped...but I'm still ok with it...especially when I think back to the weigh in I did the morning I left for Vancouver...I was 236...I cried.   I remembered that today before I went for a walk/run (because remember, I'm apparently training for a 5k), and it made me so much happier with my progress.  I've lost about just about 22 pounds since my move here...I still feel like I don't see it in the mirror...but I suppose the bigger you are, the more you have to lose before you notice change...and I'm ok with that.  I mentioned in my last post that the 5k I'll be doing with my mom is the day before my last 'One-derland' anniversary...that is to say, it will have been 5 years since the the last time I logged my weight as being in the 100s...195 to be exact.  I crunched some numbers...which might be wrong, because lets be honest, I can't math...but if they're right...if I keep up the pace of weight loss that I've had so far within the 100 days, I could hit that number again by the time that 5k comes around.  Wouldn't that be weigh 195 again, finally, after 5 years of being stuck in the 200s.  The idea is really exciting to me...and it is a huge motivator.  Plus...the idea of having lost a bunch of weight for my visit home and knocking the socks of ppl who haven't seen me is a pretty good motivator too lol.  That said...I'm doing this for me.  I'm doing it so that I can feel better about my body and my overall health.  I'm doing it so that I can stop blaming my weight for holding me back career wise...because who knows, maybe it isn't, but I won't know until I make that change.  I'm actually hoping this running thing sticks.  Because other than the fact that I could barely breath when I was done today, I actually enjoyed myself.  I love walking on the seawall...maybe eventually I can love running it.  I'd love to be one of those ridiculous people running around Stanley Park lol.  Anyway, I do work in the morning so I'd better wrap this up...but as a Summary...The weight is coming off, and the 5k training is getting going.  Keep wishing me luck...cuz this ain't easy.  I'm just glad to have found a few things to help drive me forward.
Until next time.

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