Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Day 60...still going

Sorry for not doing the video thing...but I just really don't feel like putting one together lol.  Today is day 60.  I went for a run today...I think I mentioned in the last post that I'm using the couch to 5k app.  I like the app...I feel like I'm more likely to continue when I have someone in my ear telling me what I need to do.  I've got to stop looking ahead at it though, because it is a bit daunting when I see what the app wants me to do in a short period of time.   Today was a successful run, and by run I mean walk/run.  The app had me run 1.5 mins/walk 2 mins - 4 times and run 1 min/walk 1 min - 2 times.  This only totals 8 minutes of running in total...but considering I wasn't running at all a few weeks ago, I'll take that as a win.  I've also been making a point to make sure that my distance is at least 5k.  The app right now only takes me around 3k, so I have a remaining 2k to get home.  I could just walk this, but I've been trying to take initiative and run a couple of times during that final 2k.  So I guess technically I ran today for a total of closer to 10 mins than 8...so good.  I definitely feel the running...It isn't easy.  but I was able to make the bump up to 1.5 mins fairly easily...I didn't really notice the difference, so I guess that is good.  I feel it alot in my chest, and feel it in my knees.  It doesn't hurt, but I guess I could say that it is kind of like pressure.  I know that it wouldn't be terribly wise to do more at this point.  I'm actually thinking it might be wise to pick up a couple of simple knee braces to wear for running, just to make sure I don't damage anything.  
My mom likes to tease me because I like gadgets so much...but this particular 'gadget' is like having a personal trainer in my ear...and it helps.  Not only is it telling me when to run and walk, but every so often it chimes in with a 'you're doing great' or 'you're almost there'...It also tells me when I've hit the halfway point of the assigned workout.  Really, it just gives structure to the whole thing.  I guess I like this because I tend to do better with structure.  
I've learned the hard way that I need to make sure I'm eating enough on run days (obviously every day...but that much more important on run days).  I ran before work one day last week and I was so exhausted that I felt weak throughout my shift.  So today I was sure to eat a protein bar before my workout, and had a protein shake when I returned.  I'll also be having a meal (probably just soup, but still) before I go to work tonight.  My weight didn't go down this week, stayed the same, which was crazy frustrating when I have a goal I'm trying to reach by a certain date...but it made me realize I'm probably doing something wrong.  So I'm being careful to watch my calorie intake, making sure not only that I'm not taking in too much, but that I'm taking in enough...It is very easy to under eat when you're trying to lose weight, and I know that can be a hindrance as well.  Your body can hold on to fat if it feels like it isn't going to get enough.  Its a natural self preservation thing...its like it kicks into starvation mode and wants to make sure it keeps you alive.  
Anyway, I think that is enough for today.  I'll be running again on Thursday...hopefully the weather cooperates because I'm really digging the running on the seawall thing lol.  Catch you next time.

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