Saturday, February 11, 2017

End of day One

Well....I did it.  I'm sitting on my bed in my pjs as I write this.  This was a hard first day.  I feel good about it...but it was hard.  I found it harder than most of my 'first days' have been in the past...I think that is probably because I'm putting it all on record.  There's something very official about that...meaning less wiggle room for all the little cheats that I always end up indulging in.  I felt very hungry today...I actually think I under ate, which of course isn't good either...I'd rather make that mistake than the other option of over eating...but I'll still have to be careful and watch that in the future.  If I under eat, I won't have as much energy...which could lead to me skipping workouts.  I ended up working until close tonight, so I didn't get the chance to pick up any healthy I guess I'll make an effort to do that tomorrow.  Its going to be hard to sleep with my tummy rumbling...but I am determined not to indulge in anything so late in the day.  Thats also something I've struggled with over the its a habit I've got break right away.
So goodnight to day one...wish me luck for day two!

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